
波士顿并不缺少场馆, 事件, 以及当地庆祝和欢迎LGBTQ+社区的热点地区. From renowned nightclubs to film festivals to musical per为mances and fitness studios, 波士顿的LGBTQ+文化充满了乐趣, 在这个城市里可以去的奇怪的地方和可以做的事情.

如果你计划一个酷儿团体旅行, 事件, 或者聚集在波士顿, 买球推荐软件app排名 can get you safely around the city with 私人团体交通服务. 我们会把最好的给你配对 包租巴士类型 对于你的小组, whether you need a minibus or shuttle 为 a small crew or a full-sized motorcoach 为 a large group. No matter your travel needs, we’ll make sure your LGBTQ+-centric trip goes off without a hitch.

LGBTQ+夜生活场所 & 事件

From monthly nightclub takeovers to drag queen show staples, queer nightlife in Boston is legendary. 如果你最喜欢的一群人准备好打扮了, 把闪光的东西堆起来, 在城市的街道上潇洒地走一走, rent yourself a charter bus and get to any of these popular places to celebrate LGBTQ+ life from sundown to sunrise.



位于波士顿历史悠久的南端, 俱乐部咖啡馆是你想吃美食的地方, 更好的饮料, 以及永无止境的LGBTQ+派对和活动. 看看日历上的同性恋早午餐吧, 宾戈游戏, 喜剧节目, 和飙车周四, 保罗的超级粉丝聚集在哪里观看, 喝, 还无耻地评判电视直播的收视率. 如果你想甩掉那玩意, dj主持的舞会每周四举行, 星期五, 星期六晚上.


电话: 617-536-0966


This famous LGBTQ+ haunt is Boston’s self-proclaimed oldest running gay bar and drag queen cabaret, 值得计划一整晚去参观. 租一间 单身(单身)聚会专用班车 去看一场著名的变装秀,比如 Miss-Leading女士 星期六或 抢走了星期天! 每个星期天晚上.


电话: 617-426-8902


This laid-back live music bar in Boston’s Jamaica Plain neighborhood is known in the LGBTQ+ community 为 Thursday night Queeraoke, 一个深受女士喜爱的卡拉ok之夜, 也是该市举办时间最长的LGBTQ+活动之一. Any other day of the week, rally the troops 为 a line-up of Boston-based bands playing live music.


电话: (617) 524-9038


由波士顿受欢迎的同性恋推广人和活动制作人主持, 同性恋黑手党波士顿, this monthly drag spectacle is often graced by RuPaul’s Drag Race winners, 星星, 以及特里西·马特尔这样的竞争对手, 卡蒂亚, 以及《买篮球的app推荐》. 它会在特定的周日举行(比如2021年的万圣节)。, 门票包括参加在热混乱举办的庆祝会!这是波士顿另一个最著名的LGBTQ+夜生活活动之一. 检查GayMafiaBoston.com 为 updates on when the next Dragathon is and how to nab tickets.


Address邮编:279 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02116

电话: 617-338-7699

热混乱! 星期天

每个星期天, DJs turn up the queer anthems 为 dancing (drag) queens and LGBTQ+ nightlife connoisseurs. 热混乱! (hosted by 同性恋黑手党波士顿) is frequently found at Boston’s Candibar, 这两个房间, 色彩斑斓的, high-tech nightclub located in the 皇家波士顿 nightlife complex. 请留意特别的“热混乱”! XL” 事件 that may spill out to the other two nightclubs in the complex: Royale and Legacy.


Address邮编:275 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02116

电话: 617-350-8772


星期三至星期日, 同性恋黑手党波士顿 and Legacy host a different queer-centric 事件 at this popular LGBTQ+ nightclub. If you want to brush elbows with a local drag starlet or RuPaul’s Drag Race queen, 预订服务门票! Thursdays, which spotlights a live drag per为mance and optional Meet & 迎接门票. 更喜欢跳得屁滚尿流? 去巴斯顿星期五的舞池跳舞吧.


酷儿开的店,餐馆 & 视频群聊

也许笼子舞者和闪光灯不适合你? 别担心. Boston is filled with LGBTQ+ community hotspots with a variety of tempos, 所以你一定会找到一个适合你速度的空间. Here are a few queer hangouts worth checking out to get you started:



If you’re here, queer, looking 为 a beer, oh do we have an LGBTQ+ hotspot 为 you. 列为我们的 波士顿最好的啤酒厂, the gay-owned 多切斯特酿酒公司 is a community hub located on the cusp of Boston’s South End and Dorchester. 租一间 charter bus and take your group here 为 a queer 事件 in their taproom, 比如驼峰日知识问答和邪恶复古游戏之夜, or book their private venue space 为 a “hopping” party in their Hopservatory, 他们的屋顶温室全年开放.


电话: (617) 514-0900


This queer-owned fitness studio provides empowering and fun pole dance fitness classes 为 everybody (and every body) in a safe and welcoming space. Though 镀金的工作室 is not accepting private parties during the COVID-19 pandemic, 他们通常租用工作室空间进行私人排练, 研讨会, 和类. 在未来,你可以 租一辆私人包车 and plan a fun, queer bachelor(ette) party, team-building experience, or birthday party here.

Address: 540 Tremont套房6,波士顿,马萨诸塞州,02116

电话: 617-903-7653


如果你是 波士顿的体育迷 用奇怪的眼光看比赛,不要再看了. 大教堂站 is a gay sports bar and neighborhood pub in the South End where Red Sox, 爱国者, 棕熊, Celtics fans can gather to yell at TV screens and enjoy pub grub in a welcoming, ”+材料大气. 在波士顿的下一个重要比赛日, 交通运动爱好者 and fanatics here 为 a private party to cheer on your favorite team in their bar, 用餐区, 或者户外露台.


电话: 617-338-6060


Queer-owned and staffed 柴油咖啡馆 is the place to go 为 a latte, 司康饼, 和波士顿北部萨默维尔的酷儿花瓶. LGBTQ+情侣和单身人士都聚集在这里喝咖啡, 分享一份猴子扳手三明治(一种令人上瘾的火鸡混合物), 鳄梨, 黄瓜, 汤姆斯, dijonnaise, 在佛卡夏面包上放蔬菜), 打一局台球, 一起享受轻松的一天. 这家咖啡馆非常受欢迎,他们甚至开设了一个名为 柴油爱情故事 dedicated to the community’s stories of family, friendship, first dates, finding a safe space.


电话: (617) 629-8717

波士顿LGBTQ+艺术 & 文化事件

Celebrate the talent and creativity of the queer community with the best of LGBQT+ 波士顿的艺术和文化. 截至撰写本文(2021年9月), many productions are postponed or virtual due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but sign up 为 a newsletter or check in on the 事件 calendars 为 any of these amazing organizations to stay connected and plan a private group trip 为 the next live, 亲自展示能引起你的注意.



This per为ming arts company is dedicated to presenting liberating art by, 为, 关于有色人种的酷儿和变性人. TTO produces a unique line-up of shows featuring a variety of artistic expressions, from one-act plays and poetry readings to tantric 研讨会 and drag makeup tutorials. 表演者, 剧团, ensembles are currently showing 为 audiences via streaming online, but check back on their 2022 事件 calendar to plan a future group trip 为 a live show.

Address:办公地点,551 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02116

电话: (617) 661-1600


自1982年成立以来, the 200-voice ensemble of the 波士顿男同性恋合唱团 has brought unparalleled musical experiences to Boston, 新英格兰, 及以后. 在持续的COVID-19大流行期间中断了30个月之后, they plan to return to the stage during LGBTQ+ Pride Month in June 2022 为 迪士尼骄傲演唱会. Plan to rent a bus and head to Boston Symphony Hall to hear the BGMC sing reimagined Disney favorites with inspiration from iconic musicals like 小美人鱼, Mary Poppins, 狮子王.

迪士尼骄傲演唱会- 2022年6月


电话: BGMC票房,617-542-7464


成立于1984年, 邪恶的酷儿 (previously known as the Boston LGBT Film Festival) is the city’s premier LGBTQ+ film and movie showcase. In 2021, 邪恶的酷儿 showed their 37th edition digitally through ArtsEmerson Virtual Cinema and The Brattlite, 通过Brattle剧院的虚拟电影院, 但在过去几年里, 电影在城市的主要艺术热点现场放映. Keep in touch 为 when and where the 38th edition will premiere in 2022 so you can rent a charter bus to safely travel to an in-person viewing at the Museum of Fine Arts, 当代艺术研究所, 或者爱默生学院的派拉蒙剧院.


Address地址:马萨诸塞州大道955号. 361,剑桥,马萨诸塞州02139

电子邮件: hello@wickedqueer.org



准备好开始计划你在波士顿的下一次LGBTQ+团体郊游了吧? 请致电买球推荐软件app排名 (617) 314-7577 预订优质,私人团体交通在城市. We’ll get you going to and from anywhere in the Greater Boston Area safely, com为tably, on time.